January 11, 2023

Less is More in Home Decoration

home decor for minimalist by balasagun team

Spacious living spaces, a quiet house without dysfunctional accessories... How about looking at the less-furnished, light, peaceful modern and minimalist decoration style from a wider window?


Minimalist home decoration, It is the general name used for decoration made by minimizing the number of items and emphasizing simplicity.

The important thing here is to learn to use it in a way that emphasizes the overall decoration, without overdoing it. For example ; Instead of hanging many small frames on your walls, you can hang one large and effective piece of art, and bring freshness to your home with small trees and plants.

White walls have been a popular design trend for the last few years, and are also favored in Scandinavian and Japanese cultures where minimalism is heavily embraced. Try this decorating idea and paint a corner of your home white to add extra light to your home. Don't forget to check out our brass table legs to support this color.

Another important feature of the minimal style decoration is that it does not tire the human perception and provides an environment that is conducive to attention. Therefore, especially study rooms and bedrooms are the most suitable places to adopt a minimal style.In this way, any distracting element that can prevent work cannot find a place in the room.

Create a sense of spaciousness in your home with white curtains. Minimalism, which has a philosophy of simplicity, always aims to benefit from natural light in home decoration. For this reason, houses with large windows are the places where this decoration can be applied most clearly. Even if your windows are small, white curtains made of translucent fabric will add a stylish and spacious atmosphere to your home. Dark-colored curtains will prevent both the light and spaciousness of your home.In most homes, the sun can be irritating. According to the minimalist decoration approach, there is essentially no curtain usage. The refreshing effect of the natural daylight coming from the clean-looking white colored windows is one of the elements at the heart of this understanding. However, if you live in a house with excessive sun, where it is not possible to use curtainless glass, you can choose light-colored or white fabric curtains, as we mentioned above.